24. th of september- utstilling 5 på rad
Exhibiton at Dronning Mauds Minne Høgskole for barnehagelærerutdanning, med Line Hellem, Solveig Elisabeth Larsen, Hjørdis K. Bakke og Irene Bekken Erikson
13. th of September
Workshop and exhibition at Trondheim Culture Night, at Brukom, Styrmannsgata 6. From 15.00 - 20.00. Come along and make Trashart with me. New photos on display.
1. st. of December
Open house and adventsmarked at Kringkastingsveien 8, from 13.00 - 20.00
2. - 3. rd of December
I will be at the Christmas market at Sverresborg Trøndelag Folkemuseum
My photo Summertime Trashness is displayed at Desemberutstillingen at Bifrons, Trondheim Kunstforening.
15. th of September
The exhibition Monster Trash will be displayed at Kulturnatt in Trondheim.
Venue: Olavshallen, from 15.00-22.00. I will be above the restaurant Art.
11.th of September
Participating at Kulturkveld i Berg kirke, at 19.00 hours
28. th of February
Lecture at DMMH for the pensioner association
1.st of December - 8.th of January
Cycle of Trash is featured at Desemberutstillingen, Trondheim Kunstforening
19. - 20. of November
Designmarked at Lager 11
5. - 26. of November
I`m taking part in a new exhibition at Feministhuset in Trondheim, Kjøpmannsgata 51.
3.rd - 24. th of September:
Exhibition at Feministhuset in Trondheim, Kjøpmannsgata 51.
16. th of September, 15.00 - 22.00.
Exhibition at Olavshallen, 2. floor, at Trondheim Culture Night. I will have a short lecture about the project at 16.30.
23.rd of March
Lecture at Stavne Trondheim KF
3.rd of March
Enviromental Service and miniexhibition at Berg Church, Trondheim
4. th and 5. th of December
Women on the verge of an artistic breakthrough. Sales exhibition in collaboration with Katrine Leirvik, Hjørdis K. Bakke and Line Hellem, at DMMH, Thrond Nergaards vei 7, 12.00 - 17.00
4. th of December - 16. th of January
"Plastic flowers" is featured at Desemberutstillingen, Trondheim Kunstforening
17. th of September
Masked Trash - exhibition at Trondheim Culture Night 2021, Digs cafè, Krambugata 2, 15.00-21.00.
5. th of December - 17. th of January
One photo of mine is featured at Desemberutstillingen, Trondheim Kunstforening
22. th of September
Debate post in Adresseavisen (Click to read)
18. th of September
Exhibition at Trondheim Culture Night, 16.00 - 22.00, Brattørkaia 17 B. Sponsored by the City of Trondheim
18. th of September
Interview in the paper Nidaros (click to read - paywall)
5. th of September - indefinetely
Exhibition at Moholt bibliotek
8.th of July - 16.th of August
Exhibition at Bygdeboksen, Stokkøya, open Wednesdays-Sundays, 8-13.
18. th of May
Listen to my interview at NRK Trøndelag, God ettermiddag
7. th of December - 19. th of January
One of my pictures is featured at Desemberutstillingen til Trondheim Kunstforening, Cafè Ni Muser, Trondheim
30. th of November - 1. st of December, 12.00 - 18.00
Christmas Market at Sverresborg Trøndelag Folkemuseum
9. th of November - 12. th of January
Exhibition at Sverresborg Folkemuseum, Trondheim
7. th of November 2019
I will be presenting the project at Hyggekaffe, Strindheim kirke, kl. 13.00
April - May 2019
A selection of my photos are displayed at the art gallery Røros Kunstformidling, Røros:
14. th of February
I`ll be giving a talk about the project in Berg kirke, Trondheim
25. th of January - 8.th of November
Miniexhibition in Molde antikvariat og ymseri, Molde
Exhibition at Hommelvik bibliotek
3.-31. st of January 2019
POP-UP SHOP at Valentinlyst centre, Trondheim.
Presentation of the project for youths in the parish of Strinda, Berg og Strindheim
Solhaug leirskole, Frosta, 4.th of November
Talk at Vikhammer Library
The 6.th of October, at 11.30, I will be presenting the project before "Barnas bibliotek.
Exhibition at Vikhammer Library
24.th of September - 31.th of October
Klimafestivalen in Trondheim
The 7. th of September I will give a small presentation about the project at Kultursenteret ISAK.
There will also be an exhibition of my photos, lasting till the 21.th of September
Trash in Trondheim will be displayed at Comfort Hotel Trondheim , Krambugata, from the 2.nd of July
A miniexhibition of Trash in Trondheim, consisting of 18 small photos, is at Yogaens Hus, Mellomila 1, Trondheim -from the 21. st of June - 31. of August.
I was interviewed by NRK 1 (Link in NRK, Nr. 6, starting 31.40 out in the programme)
Trash in Trondheim - 27. th of May - 1. th of July 2018
Sales exhibition at Café Le Frère, Søndre gate 27, Trondheim
17 photos of garbage
Exhibiton at Dronning Mauds Minne Høgskole for barnehagelærerutdanning, med Line Hellem, Solveig Elisabeth Larsen, Hjørdis K. Bakke og Irene Bekken Erikson
13. th of September
Workshop and exhibition at Trondheim Culture Night, at Brukom, Styrmannsgata 6. From 15.00 - 20.00. Come along and make Trashart with me. New photos on display.
1. st. of December
Open house and adventsmarked at Kringkastingsveien 8, from 13.00 - 20.00
2. - 3. rd of December
I will be at the Christmas market at Sverresborg Trøndelag Folkemuseum
My photo Summertime Trashness is displayed at Desemberutstillingen at Bifrons, Trondheim Kunstforening.
15. th of September
The exhibition Monster Trash will be displayed at Kulturnatt in Trondheim.
Venue: Olavshallen, from 15.00-22.00. I will be above the restaurant Art.
11.th of September
Participating at Kulturkveld i Berg kirke, at 19.00 hours
28. th of February
Lecture at DMMH for the pensioner association
1.st of December - 8.th of January
Cycle of Trash is featured at Desemberutstillingen, Trondheim Kunstforening
19. - 20. of November
Designmarked at Lager 11
5. - 26. of November
I`m taking part in a new exhibition at Feministhuset in Trondheim, Kjøpmannsgata 51.
3.rd - 24. th of September:
Exhibition at Feministhuset in Trondheim, Kjøpmannsgata 51.
16. th of September, 15.00 - 22.00.
Exhibition at Olavshallen, 2. floor, at Trondheim Culture Night. I will have a short lecture about the project at 16.30.
23.rd of March
Lecture at Stavne Trondheim KF
3.rd of March
Enviromental Service and miniexhibition at Berg Church, Trondheim
4. th and 5. th of December
Women on the verge of an artistic breakthrough. Sales exhibition in collaboration with Katrine Leirvik, Hjørdis K. Bakke and Line Hellem, at DMMH, Thrond Nergaards vei 7, 12.00 - 17.00
4. th of December - 16. th of January
"Plastic flowers" is featured at Desemberutstillingen, Trondheim Kunstforening
17. th of September
Masked Trash - exhibition at Trondheim Culture Night 2021, Digs cafè, Krambugata 2, 15.00-21.00.
5. th of December - 17. th of January
One photo of mine is featured at Desemberutstillingen, Trondheim Kunstforening
22. th of September
Debate post in Adresseavisen (Click to read)
18. th of September
Exhibition at Trondheim Culture Night, 16.00 - 22.00, Brattørkaia 17 B. Sponsored by the City of Trondheim
18. th of September
Interview in the paper Nidaros (click to read - paywall)
5. th of September - indefinetely
Exhibition at Moholt bibliotek
8.th of July - 16.th of August
Exhibition at Bygdeboksen, Stokkøya, open Wednesdays-Sundays, 8-13.
18. th of May
Listen to my interview at NRK Trøndelag, God ettermiddag
7. th of December - 19. th of January
One of my pictures is featured at Desemberutstillingen til Trondheim Kunstforening, Cafè Ni Muser, Trondheim
30. th of November - 1. st of December, 12.00 - 18.00
Christmas Market at Sverresborg Trøndelag Folkemuseum
9. th of November - 12. th of January
Exhibition at Sverresborg Folkemuseum, Trondheim
7. th of November 2019
I will be presenting the project at Hyggekaffe, Strindheim kirke, kl. 13.00
April - May 2019
A selection of my photos are displayed at the art gallery Røros Kunstformidling, Røros:
14. th of February
I`ll be giving a talk about the project in Berg kirke, Trondheim
25. th of January - 8.th of November
Miniexhibition in Molde antikvariat og ymseri, Molde
Exhibition at Hommelvik bibliotek
3.-31. st of January 2019
POP-UP SHOP at Valentinlyst centre, Trondheim.
Presentation of the project for youths in the parish of Strinda, Berg og Strindheim
Solhaug leirskole, Frosta, 4.th of November
Talk at Vikhammer Library
The 6.th of October, at 11.30, I will be presenting the project before "Barnas bibliotek.
Exhibition at Vikhammer Library
24.th of September - 31.th of October
Klimafestivalen in Trondheim
The 7. th of September I will give a small presentation about the project at Kultursenteret ISAK.
There will also be an exhibition of my photos, lasting till the 21.th of September
Trash in Trondheim will be displayed at Comfort Hotel Trondheim , Krambugata, from the 2.nd of July
A miniexhibition of Trash in Trondheim, consisting of 18 small photos, is at Yogaens Hus, Mellomila 1, Trondheim -from the 21. st of June - 31. of August.
I was interviewed by NRK 1 (Link in NRK, Nr. 6, starting 31.40 out in the programme)
Trash in Trondheim - 27. th of May - 1. th of July 2018
Sales exhibition at Café Le Frère, Søndre gate 27, Trondheim
17 photos of garbage